Sunday, November 21, 2010


"If your conviction is not to go to war and kill people......whole lots of people have been killed for their convictions, put in jail for their convictions.  Any time you have a high moral decent conviction you never have to worry about going crazy."   Dick Gregory, 1969.

Dick Gregory says those words on his 1969 2LP, "The Light Side: The Dark Side" , and I used that section , plus more from his piece entitled 'Draft Resisters' for the track I am posting today.  I had started a beat back in early September 2001, and had been meaning to finish it but had not gotten around to it, when I remember my Mom waking me up one morning to tell me there had been a plane crash in NYC, so I turned the TV on and watched as the 9/11 saga unfolded.   I had been listening to a lot of the Dick Gregory album I mentioned and I found the perfect parts to lay over my instrumental,  and I completed the song that same day.  I had just turned 18 and I was aware of the military draft and now that this terrible tragedy had happened, I knew there was potential for a lot of young people to go to war, and I was not OK with that.


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